We live in a very fast paced, convenient world. How can we slow this down and get back to a strong tight knit community?
Answer: The Films & Fare App
Creating a weekly events page on the Films & Fare App will increase the support from your local community.
· This application will require you to create a User Name where you gain points, achieve goals, record all of your Films & Fare, as well as create challenges for other users.
· The Dinner & A Moviesection will contain a digital wheel that determines where you will eat and what movie you will see. The users will spin the wheel that they can add requirements of food type, location, movie genre, movie length, etc.
· Learning from the app Pokémon Go, users get very excited to get out of their homes to find new adventures. I believe that the Films & Fare App will achieve the same thing by creating challenges that give points and badges to become “Super Users” that get deals on prices.
· The Films & Fare App will also have a section for Singles who want to meet new people, try new things, and get to know the local cuisine. This singles page will also coordinate with groups of friends that want to meet other groups in #MeetUp style, all in efforts to strengthen the community of people.
· The more that the users enjoy the application, the more points and benefits they will achieve. Vice versa goes for the users that don’t use it very much…they will lose points and be given more challenges to motivate their success.
· The ONLY way this application will work is to have our local businesses support our efforts by being present, acknowledging our users, and to offer challenges or recommendations to excite our users. A community that excites each other, grows and sustains each other.
I like how you opened the blog post with a question and answer format. Something different but very affective in capturing your audiences attention!
ReplyDeleteOne formatting suggestion would to just make sure everything goes together. I think all the various font sizes, colors, bolding and italicizing make the look of the blog post a little confusing.
On a writing standpoint, you again add a lot of good information.I like how you make a solution for your own blog/app but maybe next time you could tailor it to you audience and how they could create this on their blog/app!
In the second bullet point there should be a space added where you write Dinner & Movie_section. Also, the second sentence of this bullet is a little confusing, I am not sure if you left out a word but make sure you are fully expressing what you’re doing.
Overall, really cool ideas here! Just make sure to review your writing before submitting :)